Pictured Rocks Boat Cruise in Upper Peninsula, Michigan!
Full video of Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Boat Cruise in Munising Upper Peninsula, Michigan! See the sandstone cliffs, cliff waterfalls & more in the UP!
Here we go! Minutes before riding my very 1st official mountain bike trail!
“Your biggest challenge isn’t someone else. It’s the ache in your lungs and the burning in your legs, and the voice inside you that yells, ‘Can’t’. But you don’t listen. You just push harder . And then you hear the voice whisper, ‘Can’, and you discover that the person you thought you were is no match for the one you really are.”
– Unknown
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My husband loves a thrill, going fast & wild, and has been mountain biking since his teens. I didn’t start until my mid 40’s, so I’m long past feeling invincible. Mountain biking for beginners, especially, is intimidating. The trails are no joke. Things that are nothing as a hiker suddenly can look scary & dangerous on your bike at 20 miles an hour (or faster!) Trails & terrain vary, but the paths are veined with deep ruts & tall tree roots, and large rocks bulge up to criss-cross your path. There are grueling uphills and steep, sometimes white knuckle, downhills (at least for a newbie like me!) Many twists and tight turns, humps & bumps, on narrow paths with trees squeezing the trail’s edge to dart & dodge around. Not gonna lie, it was scary the 1st time (the steep downhills & wet course, in particular). I didn’t know if, at this stage in my life, I was capable, if I was strong enough, fit enough to keep up with the crowd & not get hurt. And those are the same reasons I pushed myself to do it. I don’t want age or fear telling me what I’m capable of. I want to smash past my limits and conquer my fears. It’s now or never! This is what Bill’s years of experience & my first-hand insight as a beginner taught me. It’s everything you need to know on mountain biking for beginners … to be prepared, go safely, and actually enjoy it!
Sticks & stones on a mountain bike path rated ‘easy’. Wish you could see the depth & ruggedness better. They’re bigger than they look! Nothing for a hiker, easy if you’re going slow, but when you’re trucking along at a good click or an incline or decline, these spots can be scary. Sometimes you can hug the smoother side, if you want. Sometimes, there is no smoother side.
Slippery when wet! If I wasn’t sliding around, kicking up mud, I was working hard to slog through it. Part of the challenge if you go after/ during a rain. Fun, but challenging.
“Attack position” that I mention in #3 earlier, under ‘On Your Ride’. Neutral & ready.
Mountain biking is adrenaline rushing, it’s sweaty and hard, quads aching. It’s the thrill of accomplishment and challenge, it’s panting & heart thumping and breaking through age and physical and mental limits you put on yourself and that others saddle you with. It’s living life at another level, it’s pushing your body- gaining strength, capability, staying young & not waiting on another year to pass you by. It’s exhilaration, it’s freedom, it’s doing what you thought you couldn’t, what most won’t try. This is about squeezing every last drop of joy and life and zest you can get out of ‘now’. You’ll never be younger than today. You’ll never be fit till you start. You have no promise of tomorrow, you have only today. Do something new. Do something that’s good for you, that’s going to make you better, stronger, braver, even if it scares you. Go start living! Do it now!
(1) Uphill, baby! Don’t walk it up. This is what you’re here for! (2) The downhill’s seem to either super steep or super bumpy!
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