Visit Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident Site, Today!

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The worst nuclear power plant disaster in the US.  Two million people exposed to radiation contamination. Three Mile Island as a travel destination?! We traveled there to explore the town and surrounding area and to see the 3 Mile Island nuclear power plant for ourselves. The radioactive meltdown in 1979 sent America into crisis for 5 terrifying days.  Find out why and see the Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident Site, today!  For my full article on our Visit to Three Mile Island with different pix & more interesting details is here:

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Some good ole’ nuclear scare movies that chilled during the Cold War:


The China Syndrome–  Came out in theatres just 12 days before the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant disaster.  The 1st to address nuclear power plant accidents.  Thought to be impossible, at the time.

Silkwood –  Chilling.  Meryl Streep pulls you into this conspiracy based on whistleblower Karen Silkwood’s story.

War Games–  Every 80s kid saw this! 

The Day After –  This one’s tought to watch.  I never could get through the whole thing.

2019’s Chernobyl (excellent!)- Bill & I binge-watched this! 

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  1. I’m going to Baltimore in July and will stop at Three Mile Island on the way. Is there a spot in the area where you can learn about the disaster? I visited the Chernobyl site in 2017 and it was fascinating and creepy. We had to wear shoes that we could throw out because of the radiation. We also visited a Soviet missile launch site. A couple weeks ago, we went to the Titan Missile Museum near Tucson. Your movie suggestions are great. The British made a film similar to The Day After called Threads. I found it to be even more disturbing. Another good one is Testament with Jane Alexander, William Devane and a very young Kevin Costner. Great site! Hello from Toronto!

    1. Cynthia, I’m so sorry for the delay, I just received this message! I’m not sure if you’ve visited TMI, yet, but sadly, there is no museum or anything there to learn about it. Just a roadside sign. I’ve seen displays in various other museums across the US, but the town has not done anything regarding the history tourism potential there. Maybe it still feels too raw since many of the residents who remember are still living there. New Mexico, Tennessee, Las Vegas and the National Museum of American History in DC are among a handful of museum locations that lightly touch on the topic. Other than that, Youtube videos and historic interviews and news footage is what remains available. There is a town, Oakridge, Tennessee, that has some interesting little museums and sites to visit that we enjoyed. If you’re in the area, it’s not as flashy of a site, but you would enjoy it. It sounds like you have had really amazing trips that I would LOVE to do and hope I get to, one day! I’ll have to check out Threads and Testament, too; I haven’t heard of them. Thank you so much for your insight, for your kind words, and for watching! Have great travels, this Summer, Cynthia; I enjoyed hearing from you and let me know what you think after you visit the TMI area! 🙂

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Visit Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident Site, Today!