9 Amazing Museum Exhibits Going Away Soon!
Why 9, not 10? Because I couldn’t possibly narrow it down to only 1! These exhibits are soon going away, but I’ve got you covered!
Experience the Thrill of Climbing
The boys halfway through the Via Ferrata in Kentucky in the Red River Gorge!
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Come climb the Via Ferrata in Kentucky, no experience or equipment required! You may have never heard of the Red River Gorge Geological Area in Kentucky, but it’s known round the world as a top rock climbing destination. In Kentucky!!! People have come from every country in the world to climb here, but it’s a best-kept secret in much of America. Tucked in the Daniel Boone National Forest, the Red River Gorge (RRG) covers nearly 30,000 acres of mountainous canyons, cliffs, waterfalls, more than 100 natural bridges & arches (State Park), 70 miles of trails, and those famous rock faces. It has been designated a National Natural Landmark and a National Historic Place. Most of the people we met here are transplants from across the country and even the world. They fell in love with the RRG and rock climbing, and literally left their lives and families behind to move here to follow their passion. It’s a daily focus here. They work & live to climb and friends commonly meet up after work to go. It’s a neat little community that reminded us of Colorado with their very fitness, health-minded, outdoorsy way of life. There are organic & healthy food options available, and plenty of campgrounds where many live. A young community with a simple life focused on what they love.
The Via Ferrata at the Southeast Mountain Guides was the very 1st of its kind in the United States. There are less than 10, now, that I’m aware of. Via Ferrata is Italian for ‘Iron Road or Path’ built into a mountain for climbers. It’s a series of iron rungs & ladders anchored into a sheer rock face, with a steel cable system that runs along it. Your safety belt harness is attached to the cable with 2 carabiner clips, for your safety. You don’t need to bring & carry a lot of gear like rock climbers do. Instead, you can scale cliffs & mountains in relative safety with little to no skill or experience. Many Via Ferrata locations would be extremely difficult or sometimes impossible, even for skilled rock climbers to tackle, otherwise. The Southeast Mountain Guide operation has been operating safely for nearly 20 years.
Early Via Ferratas were developed in the Alps to travel sheer mountains, in the late 1800s. In WWI, they were used in Italy to transport troops and supplies across the mountains, and to hold the battle lines. Today, they’re popular in Europe for sport, but are still virtually unknown in the US.
Kids need to be at least 10 years old for the Via Ferrata, here, to focus & follow safety instruction and remain clipped onto the safety cable. The twins were obsessed with the Via Ferrata!
You’ll start the day with waivers and 45 minutes of instruction & safety training. No climbing experience, whatsoever, is required, so they go through everything you need to do and stress and practice the precautions for your safety. They’ll fit you with a safety harness and helmet. Make sure both fit snugly and check both of your carabiner latches to make sure they are latching & locking correctly and securely. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or for help, or have them repeat, if you’re not clear.
The 3/4 mile course includes 6 different sections. The progressively increase across 4 levels of difficulty and there is an exit ladder at the end of each one, if you don’t want to continue. Climbing the Via Ferrata is very physical, so while you don’t have to be an athlete, you need to be relatively fit & agile. If you’re able to climb a 13 foot climbing wall, you’ll probably do fine, at least with the 1st several levels. It takes a bit of strength, even in your hands.
Daddy & the girls on the left. On right- Can you find me??? 👀 I’m the teensy, weensy red dot above the treeline on the pic on the right! Way higher up than it looks!
Probably the only time you’ll see me without any makeup on, but this pic makes me happy because it takes me back to the pure joy and vibrantly feeling alive that I felt in this moment. The twins had absolutely no fear! They’re natural monkeys!
Our family loved the Via Ferrata in Kentucky, though it will push you physically and mentally. It was a challenge, exhilarating & unique, and a bucket list item if you’re up for the thrill! Seeing those incredible views around you and experiencing ‘rock climbing’ makes you feel alive and blessed and strong in ways you don’t experience, otherwise. It connects you with nature, with life, with yourself, and (for me) with God. It’s an experience of a lifetime and you should absolutely grab it. Seize the day!
There’s much more to keep you busy in the area. RRG is abundant with hiking and climbing options and has several tourist-centered sites that are unrelated to climbing. They are physically engaging, though, and will keep you active, having fun, and young! Spending time here, you’ll realize that you’ve found a special little gem that the crowds haven’t found, yet. A must-do for the active & adventurous! Add it to your bucket list!
A family that plays together, stays together! ♥ There’s nothing like a new, unique challenge that pushes your limits to give your kids confidence in their abilities.
Via Ferrata in Kentucky
Good to Know:
1617 N Ky Hwy 11 Campton, Ky
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